A New Model for Locating Plate Recognition Devices to Reduce the Effects of Route Uncertainty on Traffic Estimation Results.
License plate readers are mainly used in road traffic control and entry and exit control in government centers, barracks, etc. These types of systems are intelligent systems that are installed in each of the cameras. The entry and exit points of the vehicles record the images of the vehicles and record the license plates of the vehicles with high accuracy using an advanced algorithm. It is then processed by the relevant software. The design of surveillance systems based on this type of smart CCTV is much more complex and specialized than the installation of conventional cameras. The difference between these cameras and ordinary cameras is that license plate cameras can record the movement of cars from long distances, even at high speeds, and the annoying light of car headlights. All vehicle information can be searched using time information or license plate information.
One of the main goals of producing Vigilite cameras is based on this. With a complete set of video-analysis algorithms of the AIDF type, v-LANE can operate control of the roadside near the gateway, detecting a series of phenomena such as slow traffic, queue, vehicle stopping in the street, vehicle counter, smoke/fog presence, pedestrian nearby of the gateway (if forbidden). In addition to this, v-LANE also produces a series of typical statistics of installations AID, such as vehicle count, vehicle classification, and lane occupancy rate.